Friday, November 28, 2008

bollywood main stream versus parellel cinema

This is a well debated topic for long coz both have talent and both are potential winners in their own fall. Bollywood mainstream movies are mostly imagnative and are mostly put in as masala movies. whereas parallel cinema comes across as movies with either meaningful character with a good story life like characters and a story which looks so real. Bollywood parallel cinema are mostly under the category who have their own vision about bollywood and how their movies should be real life. bollywood mainstream is big stars, big budget and is filled with the glamour quotient, and in parallel cinema where the budget is good, but there is not a lot of glamour shown. Bollywood parellel cinema percieves bollywood mainstream as dumb movies with with scripts written to entertain the audience or brainwash them to the imaginative world, but in parallel cinema the movies are subjec oriented and is more to story based cinema which captures real life dramas. At then end both have their pros and cons and are settled in their own right where they are.

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